Publicaciones (164) Publicaciones de ANTONIO MANUEL RODRIGUEZ CHIA


  1. A Further Study of the Profit-oriented Hub Line Location Problem with Elastic Demand.

    ISOLDE XVI (International Symposium on Locational Decisions) and EWGLA XXVIII (Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis)

  2. A new formulation and branch-and-cut method for single-allocation hub location problems

    Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 155

  3. An extension of the firefighter problem with vertex values and defence budget

    XL Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y XIV Jornadas de Estadística Pública

  4. Facility location problems on graphs with non-convex neighborhoods

    Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 159

  5. Facility location problems with neighborhoods

    XL Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y de las XIV Jornadas de Estadística Pública (SEIO 2023)

  6. Heuristic segmentations in Electron Tomography using the DOMP

    XII International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems

  7. Incomplete hub location networks with upgrading

    XL Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y XIV Jornadas de Estadística Pública (SEIO 2023)

  8. Modeling demand elasticity for the hub line location problem

    23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies

  9. Multi-product Maximal Covering Second-level Facility Location Problem.

    ISOLDE XVI (International Symposium on Locational Decisions) and EWGLA XXVIII (Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis).

  10. Overlapping communities detection through weighted graph community games

    PloS one, Vol. 18, Núm. 4, pp. e0283857

  11. Revisiting the Single Allocation Hub Location Problem.

    Optimization 2023

  12. Setting second-level facilities in the multi-product maximal coveringlocation problem

    XII International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems

  13. Single-allocation Hub Network Design Decision with Upgrading.

    ISOLDE XVI (International Symposium on Locational Decisions) and EWGLA XXVIII (Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis).

  14. The profit-oriented hub line location problem with elastic demand

    Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 159

  15. The profit-oriented hub line location problem with elastic demand

    XII International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems 2023, Edinburgh