Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Department: Derecho Privado
Research institute: Instituto para el Desarrollo Social Sostenible (INDESS)
Area: Civil Law
Research group: Hombre, Libertad, Derecho, Familia y Propiedad
Email: juancarlos.velasco@uca.es
Personal web: https://es.linkedin.com/in/juan-carlos-velasco-perdigones...
Áreas PAIDI: Ciencias Sociales, Económicas y Jurídicas
Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis La responsabilidad civil del compliance officer 2021. Supervised by Dr. Arturo Álvarez Alarcón, Dr. María Amalia Blandino Garrido.
Juan Carlos Velasco Perdigones (Cádiz, Spain) is jurist, professor of Civil Law, and researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Social Development. His research work focuses on the various branches that comprise his field of knowledge, concentrating mainly on the patrimonial aspects of private legal relationships such as those of the Compliance Officer, the Data Protection Officer, or the Information Systems Manager. He studied Law at the Pablo de Olavide University (Seville). He holds a Master's Degree in Insurance Law (UNED) and Civil Liability (UGR). He earned his PhD with honours, cum laude, with an international mention, in Private Law from the University of Cádiz with a thesis entitled "The Civil Liability of the Compliance Officer". He received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. He has undertaken various predoctoral and postdoctoral stays at the Universities of Bologna, Aldo Moro (Bari), and La Sapienza (Rome). He coordinates and teaches in the Master's Degree in Mediation at the University of Cádiz. He has been a lawyer for over ten years and an Associate Judge attached to the High Court of Justice of Andalusia. He is currently a Substitute Magistrate of the Provincial Court of Cádiz. He is the author of numerous scientific articles and book chapters on teaching methodology. His main lines of research include the civil, professional, and patrimonial aspects of new roles such as the compliance officer, the data protection officer, or the information systems manager; service contracts, civil liability, the assignment of litigious credits, and the position of the debtor.