Profesora Titular de Universidad
Department: Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica y Química Inorgánica
Research institute: Instituto de Microscopía Electrónica y Materiales (IMEYMAT)
Area: Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering
Research group: Ciencia e Ingeniería de los Materiales
Áreas PAIDI: Tecnologías de la Producción
Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis Cristalizacion y desarrollo microestructrual de mullitas dopadas con cromo 2000. Supervised by Dr. Rafael García Roja, Dr. Sergio I. Molina.
Associate Professor (Profesora Titular de Universidad) of Materials Science and Engineering (Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica) since 2008. Graduated in Chemical Sciences (1990) and PhD in Sciences (2000) from the University of Cádiz, she carried out her PhD thesis in the ceramic materials field, studying mechanisms of crystallization of sol-gel chromium-doped mullites and characterizing structurally materials, making use of analysis techniques with neutron beams (neutron thermodiffractometry and small angle neutron scattering), with electron beams (electron microscopy techniques: SEM, TEM, HREM) and X-rays. After that, her research activity moved to the composite materials field, a shift in her research that was due to requirements of the aeronautical industry around the Bay of Cádiz and the interest of her research group in opening a research activity with a closer industrial approach. Therefore, she began to work on laser processing of carbon fiber composite materials for aeronautical use. As a consequence, a PhD thesis was carried out with her co-supervising (Antonio J. García Fuentes, 2006), and several national research projects of industrial orientation were obtained, as well as contracts with the industry (3 PROFIT projects; 1 contract with Airbus, SL). Continuing his research in the aeronautical materials field, her interest focused on the improvement of mechanical and/or electrical properties through the addition of nanoparticles, obtaining funding through an Excellence Project (Proyecto de Excelencia) of the Junta de Andalucía (see projects list, C2). This research work involves a PhD thesis (Dery Torres Uriona, 2012) and several contracts with companies in the aeronautical sector (EADS-CASA, Airbus Military, Grupo TAM, see contracts list, C3). On the other hand, the reincorporation of Dr. Araujo to the University of Cádiz in 2007 allowed the implementation in the group of the research line concerning the study of diamond materials for power electronic devices, a line to which she also joined from the beginning, contributing with the application of electron microscopy techniques (TEM / STEM-HAADF-EELS) and with the co-supervising of 2 PhD thesis and 4 more in current development (one of them to be defended on summer 2021). This activity has been consolidated thanks to 3 national projects (Power-Diam, HiVolt-nano and DiamMOS, being IP2 in the last two) and 1 European project (GreenDiamond). Summarizing, the research activity of the person who subscribes this curriculum is characterized by their willingness to face new lines of research, resulting in a non-monolithic scientific production. Research activity has been also compatible with academic management positions (Academic Secretary of Department, Acting Head of Department, Vice-Head of Department, total uninterrupted period 2003-2013, Head for Staff Management -Vice-Rector's Office for Academic Planning and Teaching - 2016-2019). She is co-author of 47 scientific publications, almost 120 contributions to both national and international conferences and 2 patents.