Profesor Contratado Doctor
Department: Matemáticas
Area: Applied Mathematics
Research group: Geometría, Operadores y Series en Espacios de Banach
Personal web:
Áreas PAIDI: Física, Química y Matemáticas
Doctor by the Universidad de Almería with the thesis Teoremas de tipo banach-stone en espacios de funciones lipschitzianas 2011. Supervised by Dr. Antonio Jiménez Vargas.
Moisés Villegas Vallecillos received the Ph. D. degree in Mathematics from the University of Almería in 2011. From 2007 until 2011, he enjoyed a research grant at the University of Almería (UAL) supervised by Professor Antonio Jiménez Vargas. From 2011 to date, he has worked at the University of Cádiz (UCA) as “Profesor Ayudante Doctor” and later “Profesor Contratado Doctor”. According to the MathSciNet database of the AMS, his research line has been developed in the fields of Functional Analysis and Operator Theory. His main research interests focus on Lipschitz spaces and their possible applications, and certain problems in Banach algebras. Some information about his academic activity is the following: Author of 25 papers since 2008 in indexed journals with JCR impact index: J. Math. Anal. Appl. (6), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (4), Banach J. Math. Anal. (1), Houston J. Math. (2), Math. Scand. (1), Topology Appl. (1), Studia Math. (1), Publ. Math. Debrecen (2), Acta Math. Sinica (1), Rocky Mountain J. Math. (1), Canadian Math. Bull. (1), Abstr. Appl. Anal. (1), Cent. Eur. J. Math. (1), Khayyam J. Math. (1), and Ann. Funct. Anal. (1). Participant in 2 research projects funded in competitive calls of public, national and regional entities. Speaker in 12 research conferences (5 national and 7 international), and participant presenting poster in 13 more conferences (6 national and 7 international). Visiting professor with research stays funded at the Universities of Belfast (1 month) and Lille (3 months), and research stays without funding at the Universities of Almería (3 stays of 1 month) and Belfast (1 month). Referee of several papers in journals with JCR impact index. Member of the research groups "Análisis Matemático (FQM194)" of the UAL between 2007 and 2011, and "Geometría, Operadores y Series en Espacios de Banach (FQM257)" of the UCA since 2011. Member of the Spanish Functional Analysis and Applications Network. Participant in 3 teaching innovation projects (1 from the UAL and 2 from the UCA). They were competitive with funding, and he was coordinator in the last of them. He obtained the favorable evaluation of the teaching activity (86.1 points out of 100) by the Docentia Commission 2015, in the period 2011/12 – 2013/14. Coauthors (13): Foreign (7): Fernanda Botelho and James Jamison (Memphis University, EEUU), Javier Alejandro Chávez (University of Oklahoma, EEUU), Osamu Hatori (Niigata University, Japón), Kristopher Lee (Iowa State University, EEUU), Aaron Luttman (National Security Technologies, EEUU), and Ya-Shu Wang (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwán). Spanish (6): Juan Matías Sepulcre (Universidad de Alicante), María Burgos (Universidad de Granada), Miguel Lacruz (Universidad de Sevilla), and María de Gádor Cabrera, Antonio Jiménez and Antonio Morales (Universidad de Almería).