Catedrático de Universidad
Department: Matemáticas
Research institute: Instituto para el Desarrollo Social Sostenible (INDESS)
Area: Applied Mathematics
Research group: Geometría, Operadores y Series en Espacios de Banach
Email: fernando.leon@uca.es
Personal web: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fernando-Leon-Saavedra
Áreas PAIDI: Física, Química y Matemáticas
Doctor by the Universidad de Sevilla with the thesis Variedades lineales cerradas de vectores hiperciclicos 1998. Supervised by Dr. Alfonso Montes Rodríguez.
My research is mainly focused in the area of Operator Theory and Complex Analysis. I have been interested in orbits of linear operators, in a broader sense, and its interconnection with the invariant subspace problem. This motivation lead us to study different convergence methods, topic on which we are also neophyte. More recently, I am interested in the extended spectra, commutants and bicommutants of natural occurring operators defined on spaces of analytic functions, as classical as H2, from which a strong inter-connection with analytic function theory emerges. At this moment we want to explore the connections of these results with natural questions related to Operator Algebras and the study of the transmutation operators studied in several problems on differential equations. We have directed 5 Phd's thesis , and we have 4 six-year research periods: "sexenios", but I have the same enthusiasm as when I started to research. Such energy is renovated each time, by the good taste for mathematical problems.