Department: Historia, Geografía y Filosofía

Area: Archaeology

Research group: El Círculo del Estrecho, Estudio Arqueológico y Arqueométrico de las Sociedades desde la Prehistoria a la Antigüedad Tardía


Áreas PAIDI: Humanidades

I have completed undergraduate studies at the University of Cadiz, graduating in 2020 in the degree of History (average of 7.96) and the Master of Heritage, Archaeology and Maritime History, finishing it in September 2021, at the same university, where techniques applicable to the field of research in Archaeology are taught. I have been a collaborating student, certified by the University of Cadiz, of the professor of the Archaeology Area of the Department of History, Geography and Philosophy, Dario Bernal-Casasola, participating in laboratory tasks, such as the cataloguing of pieces, as well as the drawing and digitalisation of the same. In addition to having participated in different archaeological activities that have helped the whole learning process in places such as Baelo Claudia (Tarifa), Baluarte de la Bandera (Ceuta), Pompeii, Arucci-Turóbriga (Aroche, Málaga), Cueva de Ardales (Ardales, Málaga), Edificio Valcárcel (Cádiz), among others. Also noteworthy are the publications in which I have appeared, thanks to the opportunity to work with the PAIDI HUM-440 research group (El Círculo del Estrecho. Archaeological and archaeometric study of societies from Prehistory to Late Antiquity), to which I belong. All these activities, both in the laboratory and in the field, have been carried out within the different projects in which I am involved together with the group mentioned above. These are both international, such as Tamuda (Tetuan), and national, such as Baelo Claudia and the Autonomous City of Ceuta. I have developed extracurricular practices in the Centre for Underwater Archaeology (CAS) of Cadiz and in the Provincial Museum of Cadiz, where I have developed the same tasks already addressed, dealing with materials from different contexts. I am trained in different vectorial design, photogrammetry, GIS and photographic treatment software, such as Photoshop and Illustrator. As for languages, I am fluent in English, with a B1 level certified by Cambridge and basic knowledge in French. My Master's Thesis has been focused on the role of Roman thin-walled ceramics in the area of Baetica and more specifically in the Hispano-Roman city of Baelo Claudia. Therefore, to help my training, I took the UNED course Learning to classify and document ceramics in Archaeology: Roman and Late Antiquity. Along with others belonging to the university extension courses of the University of Burgos, on Geographic Information Systems applied to Archaeology and Introduction to Photogrammetry.