Profesora Sustituta Interina
Department: Filología Francesa e Inglesa
Area: French Philology
Research group: Estudios de Filología Francesa
Áreas PAIDI: Humanidades
Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis La littérature francophone tahitienne face aux mythes de la nouvelle cythère chantal t. Spitz et titaua peu 2024. Supervised by Dr. Martine Renouprez.
My research focuses on the literature of French Polynesia, within the line of gender. I study what the first navigators who arrived in Tahiti in the 18th century said about its inhabitants and gender, as well as contemporary women's literature that responds to the mythical accounts of these navigators and shows the real situation, beyond the postcard, of the Tahitian islands and their inhabitants in the wake of colonisation and the establishment of the Pacific Nuclear Experimentation Centre.