Ingeniería Industrial e Ingeniería Civil

Miguel Ángel
Losada Rodríguez
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Miguel Ángel Losada Rodríguez (10)
Do Rock Design Formulas Based on Wave Flume Experiments Reliably Model Their Performance at Sea?
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, Núm. 4
Uncertainties of the actual engineering formulas for coastal protection slopes. The dimensional analysis and experimental method
Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress
2D water-wave interaction with permeable and impermeable slopes: Dimensional analysis and experimental overview
Coastal Engineering, Vol. 158
Bulk dissipation and flow characteristics in cube armored breakwaters
Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference
Bulk wave dissipation in the armor layer of slope rock and cube armored breakwaters
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, Núm. 3
Statistical analysis of the interaction between wind-waves and currents during early wave generation
Coastal Engineering, Vol. 159
A similarity parameter for breakwaters: The modified Iribarren number
Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference
Generación del oleaje en aguas someras: un enfoque teórico aplicado al saco interno de la bahía de Cádiz
XIV Jornadas españolas de ingeniería de Costas y Puertos (edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València), pp. 643-653
Verification of the crown wall stability taking into account the hydraulic performance curves
Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference
Universal analysis for the stability of both low-crested and submerged breakwaters
Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference