La asignatura de proyectos“Como sacar partido de su ventaja multidisciplinar”

  1. José Mª Portela 1
  2. Andrés Pastor 1
  3. Manuel Otero 1
  4. Milagros Huerta 1
  5. Enrique Nebot 2
  6. Fernando Brun 3
  1. 1 Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y Diseño Industrial Escuela Superior Ingeniería UCA
  2. 2 Departamento de Tecnologías del Medio Ambiente Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales UCA
  3. 3 Departamento de Biología Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales UCA
Experiencias innovadoras en el aprendizaje a través de la evaluación. EVALtrends 2011: EVALtrends 2011 Evaluar para aprender en la Universidad

Publisher: Bubok Publishing

ISBN: 978-84-15490-04-3

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 67-75

Type: Book chapter


In the subject “Projects” it is necessary to teach the pupil how to integrate the knowledge acquired during his training period. Nowadays the Project is strongly influenced by different sinergies which make the problem to be solved a more complex issue than just a simple solution to a problem. It is essential to make the pupil to understand the necessity to have a good selection criterion among the different technologies to be applied and to choose a mixed solution to apply. The research of the best solution is every time more influenced by the work of multidisciplinar teams. Due to this it is considered necessary the introduction of new methodological aspects when teaching, whose main objectives are the education of the pupils and the promotion of new sustainability paradigms. With that purpose we try to inculcate the different titles where which this experience is taking place with a more transversal knowledge, keeping a little bit in mind the renaissance spirit. The way in which these objectives are achieved, is the introduction as an evaluative element within the global evaluation of the subject, of the defence of a work in groups, which has an auto-evaluation component on behalf of each group and a co-evaluation by all groups, which generates an average mark for the job. All this is taking part of the final results of the subject and it is developed within an environment in which different titles and specialties collaborate. The pupil is also encouraged to a self-learning system due to the great importance that it implies for the good development of the profession. Paradoxically in the specialty of the title on which this study is based, on the contrary of what it might seem, they have been very strict in their auto-evaluation and co-evaluation.