Indices de diversidad de Simpson en el modelodel bastón roto

  1. David Almorza Gomar
  2. Antonio Peinado Calero
  3. Concepción Valero Franco
  4. Rafael Boggio Ronceros
  5. Antonio Rodríguez Chía
EMA Estadística medio ambiental: Conferencia Internacional de Estadística en Estudios Medioambientales. 21, 22 y 23 de noviembre de 2021, Cádiz, España

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Cádiz

ISBN: 84-7786-948-0

Year of publication: 2001

Pages: 7-8

Type: Book chapter


In this work the valucs of thc Simpson's indcx and the inverse Simpson's index, as divcrsity indexes, are analysed when the popule.tion studied is distributed in the broken-stick model. In both cases, the result obte.incd is a direct function of the number oí species, and in this way, when the number of species is incree.sed, the values of tbese diversity indexes also increascd. Thc result obtaincd can be also uscd to test thc goodness-of-fit to thc broken•stick model.