Fachbereich: Filología Francesa e Inglesa

Forschungsinstitut: Instituto para el Desarrollo Social Sostenible (INDESS)

Bereich: Deutsche Philologie

Forschungsgruppe: Mejora del Proceso Software y Métodos Formales

Email: anke.berns@uca.es

Bereiche PAIDI: Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación

Doktorin von der Universidad de Cádiz mit der Dissertation La recepción de la obra literaria de Irmgard Keun 2002. unter der Leitung von Dr. Ana Pérez López.

My current research interests focus especially on the use of emerging technologies in the teaching and learning of foreign languages with a special focus on VR and AR technologies. I am particularly interested in design-based research, learner motivation and assessment as well as game development. More specific interests relate to particular languages such as German and English.