Department: Matemáticas

Area: Applied Mathematics

Research group: FQM257 Geometría, Operadores y Series en Espacios de Banach


Personal web:

Áreas PAIDI: Física, Química y Matemáticas

Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis Teoría de la medida en álgebras efecto. Módulo de bishop-phelps-bollobás 2016. Supervised by Dr. Fernando Rambla-Barreno.

Especialidades predominantes (top 5) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones help
Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones

Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.

El listado puede contener errores. En proceso de evaluación y mejora. Compartido para recoger sugerencias de la comunidad.

  1. General Mathematics (Mathematics) Filtrar
  2. Analysis (Mathematics) Filtrar
  3. Control and Optimization (Mathematics) Filtrar
  4. Physics and Society (Physics and Astronomy) Filtrar
  5. Algebra and Number Theory (Mathematics) Filtrar

My academic studies started at Science Faculty at the University of Cádiz, getting a Degree in Mathematics specialised in teaching and later, a Master’s degree in Mathematics. After that, I was employed by the University of Cádiz as a Full-time Associate Lecturer, teaching from 2009/2010 to 2021/2022 academic years. During the academic year 2021/2022, I am designated as Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics at University de Cádiz, in the Area of Applied Mathematics. I have recently been granted a Senior Lecturer certificate. My research activities began in 2009, by being part of the group FQM–257, “Geometry, operators and series in Banach spaces”, with the help of two research grants. I defended my doctoral thesis “Measure theory on effect algebras. Bishop-Phelp-Bollobás modulus” in January 2016, leading to a constant and fruitful research with nineteen articles in JCR- and SCOPUS-indexed journals (twelve Q1, nine of these among D1), the attendance and organisation of national and international conferences and seminars, and a one-month research stay at the Department of IT and Mathematics of the University of Catania (Sicily, Italy), which gave me the opportunity to share ideas and experiences with other researchers, allowing new contributions. My research is very multidisciplinary, I work on Functional Analysis (Sumability, Measure Theory, Effect algebras, Norm attaining operators…) and Applied Mathematics lines (Multifractal analysis of complex networks, Optimisation with supporting vectors, Databases and Statistical Analysis in Numismatics…). I have also taught some courses within the Doctorate Programme in Mathematics and conducted a doctoral thesis read on 25th April 2019. Throughout my whole teaching experience during 2009/2010–2021/2022 academic years, I develop my vocation as a teacher and researcher at the Superior School of Engineering of Cádiz within the area of Applied Mathematics. During this period of teaching activity, I have participated, coordinated and/or been responsible for diverse subjects belonging to the first school years of Engineering Degrees and of Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering at the Superior School of Engineering of the University of Cádiz, namely: Calculus, Algebra and Geometry, Broad Mathematics, Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Engineering. My main concern has been trying to adapt and approach these subjects to enable students to comprehend and implement mathematical applications to solve Engineering issues. This effort has been very positively valued by my students, reflected by optimal results in satisfaction surveys on teaching quality. In addition, my teaching activity has been institutionally recognised with a favourable mention in DOCENTIA-UCA programme. I have also participated as a teacher in training courses for other teachers working at the University of Cádiz. In other contexts, I have been always involved in the School’s activities, participating in the Teaching Innovation Projects; as a tutor in the Tutorial Action Plan-Fellowship Project, starting from 2010/2011 school year onwards; in supported improvement actions for Engineering degrees; cooperating in Welcome Sessions at the Superior School of Engineering and in the training of mentor students.