Profesor Sustituto Interino
Department: Química Física
Research institute: Instituto de Microscopía Electrónica y Materiales (IMEYMAT)
Area: Physical Chemistry
Research group: Simulación, Caracterización y Evolución de Materiales
Áreas PAIDI: Física, Química y Matemáticas
Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis Desarrollos gaussianos de bases espacialmente restringidas. Obtencion y primeras aplicaciones 2005. Supervised by Dr. Manuel Fernández Núñez.
Dr. Jesús Sánchez Márquez graduated in Chemistry at the University of Cadiz (1998). After completing the PhD course "Theoretical and Computational Chemistry" at the University of Valencia he did his doctoral thesis at the University of Cadiz (2005). He is currently part of the research group SCEM (Simulation, Characterization and Evolution of Materials) belonging to the Department of Chemistry-Physics of the University of Cadiz. His main research line is focused on the development of new reactivity models within the framework of the conceptual DFT (Density Functional Theory), the definition of new descriptors, the application of these parameters to reactions of interest and the development of new computational software based on quantum mechanics.