date_range Iraupena 2021(e)ko iraila-(a)k 01-(e)tik 2025(e)ko abuztua-(a)k 31-(e)ra izan da (48 months)
Deialdi: 7158 PID Modalidades Retos (RTI) y Generación de Conocimiento (PGC). Plan Nacional I+D+i


(3) proiektuarekin lotutako argitalpenak

Erakutsi tipologiaren arabera


  1. Desarrollo de apps de realidad virtual y aumentada para enseñanza de idiomas

    RIED: revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia


  1. A Virtual Reality App Created with CoSpaces: Student Perceptions and Attitudes

    Ethical Considerations of Virtual Reality in the College Classroom: Cross-Disciplinary Case Studies of Immersive Technology Implementation

  2. Exploring the possibilities of Cospaces to create Virtual Reality environments for foreign language learning

    GFL (German as a Foreign Language)