Publications (43) Publications de LUCIA DEL MORAL ESPIN


  1. Agüita: Educational Commons, Arts and Well-Being

    Educational Commons: Democratic Values, Social Justice and Inclusion in Education (Springer Nature Switzerland), pp. 133-150

  2. The (new) moonlighting: between survival and self-realization at work. A look from the European experience

    Cuadernos de relaciones laborales, Vol. 42, Núm. 1, pp. 41-57


  1. 15-M movement and feminist economics: an insight into the dialogues between social movements and academia in Spain

    Social Movement Studies, Vol. 22, Núm. 3, pp. 324-342

  2. 15-M movement and feminist economics: an insight into the dialogues between social movements and academia in Spain

    Re-imagining Democracy, pp. 57-75

  3. 15-M movement and feminist economics: an insight into the dialogues between social movements and academia in Spain

    Re-imagining Democracy: legacy, Impact and Lessons of Spain's 15-M Movement (Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group), pp. 57-75

  4. La tradición de los Movimientos de Renovación Pedagógica en los Comunes Educativos: un estudio de casos

    IJNE: International Journal of New Education, Núm. 12, pp. 5-23

  5. Smart Ibérica business impulse cooperative: 'not just a means of invoicing for your work'

    Contingent Workers’ Voice in Southern Europe Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation Southern European Societies series (Edward Elgar), pp. 75-94

  6. Smart iberica business impulse cooperative: 'Not just a means of invoicing for your work'

    Contingent Workers' Voice in Southern Europe: Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 75-94

  7. “¿Va a estar divertida la actividad? Sí, pues vamos”: infraestructuras posibles para una intervención social basada en los comunes educativos

    Nuevos retos, nuevos escenarios para Andalucía


  1. Introduction

    Children's Experience, Participation, and Rights during COVID-19 (Springer International Publishing), pp. 1-12

  2. Tensiones, límites y retos que plantean los cuidados en comunidad

    Comunes reproductivos: cercamientos y descercamientos contemporáneos en los cuidados y la agroecología (Los Libros de la Catarata), pp. 233-250

  3. The Capability Approach and Child Well-Being: A Systematic Literature Review

    Child Indicators Research, Vol. 15, Núm. 6, pp. 2043-2063

  4. ii. Children’s Experiences of the Pandemic Across Europe: Inequalities and the Potential of Participation

    Children's Experience, Participation, and Rights during COVID-19 (Springer International Publishing), pp. 33-55


  1. Austerity and children's well-being in Spain: a capability approach perspective


  2. Construyendo sobre arcoíris: apoyando la participación de niños, niñas y adolescentes en la configuración de respuestas al COVID-19

    Sociedad e Infancias, Núm. 4, pp. 275-277