Department: Didáctica

Research institute: Instituto de Microscopía Electrónica y Materiales (IMEYMAT)

Area: Didactics of Mathematics

Research group: Desarrollo Profesional del Docente


Personal web:

Áreas PAIDI: Humanidades

Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis Role of interface configuration in diamond-related power devices 2016. Supervised by Dr. Daniel Araújo Gay, Dr. M. Pilar Villar Castro.

Pre - 2011 UNIVERSITY OF SEVILLE: To get access to the PhD program, I completed my undergraduate studies in physical sciences at the University of Seville, specializing in Theoretical Physics. 2011 - 2016 UNIVERSITY OF CADIZ - PhD: During my PhD period, I enjoyed a research staff training grant (FPI) obtained in a national competitive call. As a PhD student, I had the opportunity to enjoy several stays abroad; always with scholarships and state aid obtained in a national competition. Specifically, my stays abroad in centers in France (Institut Néel) and Switzerland (EPFL) amount to a total of two and a half years distributed in 4 stays during my PhD period. Particularly noteworthy is that one of my stays at the EPFL was in collaboration with the Attolight S.L. company. During this stage, I was part of the TEP-120 group 2016 - 2018 UNIVERSITY OF CÁDIZ - PSI: Already as a PhD in Physics, I became part of the Mathematics section of the Department of Didactics of the University of Cádiz, as an Interim Substitute Professor. I began my research in Mathematics Didactics, being a member of the Spanish Society of Research in Mathematics Education. 2018 - 2023 UNIVERSITY OF CÁDIZ - PAD: During this period, I continued to be part of the Mathematics section of the Department of Didactics of the University of Cádiz, as an Assistant Professor. During this stage I dedicated myself exclusively to my research in Mathematics Didactics and became part of the HUM-462 group and participated in several national projects, both in the field of education and in physical science. 2023 - ... UNIVERSITY OF CÁDIZ - PCD: Currently holds a position as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences (Department of Didactics, mathematics section) of the University of Cádiz. My current research fields include teaching in technological environments, PBL//GBL and the use of semiconductor diamond for the manufacture of power devices. In addition, we offer services that take data and analyze data from TEM and SEM-based experiments (such as EELS, HREM, SAED, CL, EBIC...). The quality of the work that has been developed can be contrasted thanks to the large number of contributions to conferences; a large number of his oral contributions and invited talks. In addition, the high performance of my research can be appreciated in the number of publications indexed in the first quartile of JCR. The evolution in the quality of my work can also be appreciated by looking at the impact factor of my first publications; The publications from my early years (up to 2013) had an impact factor of between 1.5 and 3.2, while the most recent publications reveal a clear upward trend in the quality of my work (with publications with an impact factor of up to 7.76).