Macroalgal culture in the bay of Cadiz (Spain): Possibilities and Perspectives
- Ignacio Hernández 3
- Ricardo Bermejo 1
- Josefina Sánchez 5
- Manuel Macías 1
- Claudia L Cara 1
- José Lucas Pérez-Llorén 4
- Juan J. Vergara 4
- Ana Roldán 2
- Víctor Palacios 2
- 1 Department of Biology, Division of Ecology, Puerto Real E-11510, Spain
- 2 Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology, Puerto Real E-11500, Spain
- 3 Department of Biology, Division of Ecology, University of Cadiz, Puerto Real E-11500, Spain
- 4 Department of Biology, Division of Ecology, Puerto Real E-11500, Spain
- 5 Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology, Faculty of Sciences, Puerto Real E-1151 O, Spain
Publisher: Taylor&Francis Group
ISSN: 0967-0262
Year of publication: 2015
Pages: 216
Type: Conference paper
Experimental macroalgal cultures at large scalestarted in the bay of Cadiz in 2006 and the followingyear the first algal company from southem Spain decided to put the resource in the market. Recent studies have shown that severa! species from the bay can be cultured for biomass production, not only in the bay but also in earthen ponds devoted to fish aquaculture or salt production. Severa! ediblemacroalgae from the hay have been assessed fortheir nutritional content. Sorne species stood outby its high fatty acid content (male gametophytesof Chondracanthus teedei), proteins (Gracilariopsislongissima) or fiber content (Rhodymenia ardissonei).The current research suggests that macroalgalculture can be a promising activity for furtherdevelopment of mariculture in the zone.